Use Cases

This page collects several use cases and proof-of-concept for demonstrating the benefits of Akoma Ntoso use. Please use Google Chrome browser for optimizing the performance. These applications are prototypes, outcomes of several research projects of CIRSFID team leaded by prof. Monica Palmirani.

Editing and mark-up

  1. FAO Commentary System: proof-of-concept of comments collection
  2. Suprema Corte di Cassazione LIME editor
  3. Parliament Uruguay LIME editor
  4. CH Lime editor
  5. LIME editor for judgment

Portal, Navigation, Publication

  1. FAO Codex portal: proof-of-concept
  2. FAO Basic Texts: proof-of-concept
  3. Suprema Corte di Cassazione: Codice Penale
  4. AgID: Decreto Legislativo 24 gennaio 2006, n. 36 proof-of-concept
  5. Judgment portal with anonimization of personal data

Converter and Parsers

  1. NIR2AKN: converter from NormeInRete to Akoma Ntoso
  2. AKN2RDF: extractor of metadata in RDF format
  3. TXT2AKN: converter of TXT in AKN
  4. FORMEX2AKN: convert Formex EUR-LEX in AKN

Visualization Applications

  1. Piemonte Visual Contest 2014 – Transformation in Akoma Ntoso of all the Piemonte Region Acts and visualization
  2. Code4Italy Hackathon – Visualization of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies of Italy legislative process.
  3. World e-Parliament Conference 2016 Hackathon SoCeVOLE – UK public Act topic visualization over time.
  4. Sisma-2012 – Visualization of the ordinance of Regione Emilia-Romagna


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